Frequently Asked Questions about Replica Wheels.
Q: Are replica wheels the same quality as factory wheels?
A: Yes. The same high grade aluminum is used to produce the replica wheel. The design and engineering process is the same for both.
Q: Why are reproduction wheels so much cheaper than the factory wheels from the dealer?
A: Everything from the dealer is more expensive. New car dealerships make a large percentage of their profits from service and parts. A replica wheel avoids all of the markups that are normally associated with this.
Q: I see wheels for my vehicle but I do not know the size or offset what can I do?
A: Once you find the wheel in our catalog you can look at the tire size. This will give the rim size. You can call our customer service department and they will be happy to assist you with offset and width.
Q: I have a low pressure tire monitor system on my factory wheels will I be able to use this on replica wheels?
A: Yes. The Low pressure tire monitor or LPTM system can be easily removed from the factory wheel and installed on the new wheel.